Terms & Conditions
Reservation Policy:
Guests are required to make a reservation before their arrival. A deposit or credit card guarantee may be required to confirm the reservation. Any changes to the reservation must be made in advance and are subject to availability.
Cancellation Policy:
Guests must cancel their reservation within a specified time frame to avoid penalties. The cancellation policy may vary depending on the season or length of stay.
Check-In and Check-Out Policy:
Check-in is typically in the afternoon, while check-out is usually in the morning. Late check-out may be available upon request and is subject to availability.
Additional Guest Policy:
At Cedar Huts Hotel and Resort, we limit the number of guests allowed per room or hut. Any additional guests may be subject to an extra charge.
Damages Policy:
Guests are responsible for any damages caused to their rooms or the hotel property during their stay. Any damages or missing items will be charged to the guests.